Our main purpose on this site is to create an Archive of Old Istanbul Photographs and to provide fast access to the photograph we are looking for. We do not have the purpose of showing the user unnecessary pages and keeping them on the site. Site programming has been done in this direction. While we were making the site for our own needs, we also aimed for everyone to benefit from it. We do not hesitate to share what we can reach, we are also pleased to share.
- We make sure that the uploaded photos are photos that describe a place, a work. We don't just archive old photos. Photos are provided on the internet. Various foundations, associations, national and international photo libraries archives, old photo archives of universities, Facebook groups are the places where we provide the most photographs. The highest resolution versions of the photographs are preferred as much as possible. If there is more than one version of the photo, all of them are kept. It is changed when a better quality of the same version is provided. There is an anonymous, unnamed cooperation in the creation and sharing of these photographs, and the labor of many people out of curiosity. All we do on this site is to make it tidy and to create an archive of old Istanbul.
- From time to time we make mistakes in photo descriptions; when notified, we correct it. We also constantly update photo descriptions and tags as they come across. Be sure, we are the ones who benefit the most from this site.
- Each photo is checked from the site before uploading and re-uploading is prevented; Tags are defined in a way that will definitely define a title and a photo. Despite this, even a small number of double photographs may appear. Since there are different colors and resolutions in different prints in scanning photographs made from card printing, each version is kept and they are not re-evaluated.